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word dabs

Connecting with energy……

Tag Archives: dreaming

For the past year I’ve been slowly losing my self-esteem. The job that I’ve been doing has been giving me less and less stimulating and worthwhile jobs and since so much validation of my existence is tied up in my production, when my production suffers, I suffer with it. The world has gotten blacker and blacker, with that facebook message box calling me, beckoning me daily to really tell the world what I think…. and it’s been so tempting to just F bomb the living daylights out of it.

Perhaps your life at sea

But finally now I feel like I’ve hit a turning point. A mental turning point that  is so much more important than the next new job of validation and particularly it’s paycheck.  I’ve realized my worth…. My skillset and my approach to life and the gifts I have with my spouse, my friends and family.

Being negative is too easy, too common and let’s face it.. it gets us no where. Think about the people that you gravitate towards or want to read about. Are they moping around or talking about the blackness or are they uplifting and buzzing you? If this is what you gravitate towards and look for in people, isn’t it arguable that people are also looking for that in you too? Right now you may not FEEL like being positive… and believe me.. I’ve been there.. very RECENTLY actually.

My advice to anyone out there is to STOP. Just STOP totally and give yourself a week to have a chance to restart. Take a moment to write down things that you know you do well and… as you do… be honest and aware of the things that you don’t.

Are you fantastic at dreaming?
Are your skills in coming up with pie in the sky ideas?
Are you  someone that is details orientated and can pull apart things that don’t work?
Are you someone who can sell? (Good at meeting new people)
Are you someone that can give ideas visual life?

Remember that you AREN’T the whole picture and you’re not supposed to be. You are a piece of this life puzzle and people are out there that can DO the things that you can’t… and do them very well!!!! I see more and more people who’ve been like myself,  looking inwardly, trying to be the person to have the full solution for someone then eating themselves up when they’re not.

Get some close friends together and brainstorm, or heck… just one friend! Spend some time talking to them about where they are at and how you can help them with your skill set that you’ve written down and ask them for some brainstorming for you. RESTART and perhaps you’ll have a chance to find your place again.

You are special… and parts of all of us are incredibly unique. Recognize that first and perhaps that positive realization will be the first thing to get you back on track.

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